Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hurricane Dean

WHEW!!! Looks like we avoided a hit from Hurricane Dean. Though I feel badly for the people of Jamaica, the Yucatan, and Mexico, at least we didn't get it. Hurricane season has two more months, so we are not totally free yet.

On a lighter note, the kittens are growing by leaps and bounds. They are staying out of the carrier now, since they are old enough not to get caught behind things anymore. Azrael came in to investigate the other day. Eek didn't like him coming too close.. hehehehe

So anyway, here I sit at work..and I should be working. Better get back to it, before someone figures out that my typing is not work related.. :P

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hot Weather and New Babies

Well, everyone asks me now and then, how hot is it in Texas during the summer?? Let me tell you, it is a heck of a lot hotter when you have no A/C. This last weekend, we had a power surge that fried the compressor in our A/C Unit outside. Well, of course by the time the electrician traced down all the problems already in the house, it was late Friday evening. The A/C repairman came out Saturday and found the problem in the unit. He could not get a new compressor until Monday. The outside temps got up to 102 over the weekend, and when you live in a trailer, it becomes an oven in a short period of time. We put in two small window A/C units, just enough to allow us to move without melting, but the temp in the house reached 100 on Saturday afternoon. If you have ever heard the expression "Long Cat Weather" we saw it. I cat stretches out on the floor, and gets longer and longer when it is hot. Now, imagine 6 long cats on the floor, and that was our house this last weekend. The good news is, the A/C guy will be there this afternoon and all should be good again in the Miller house.

Now, for the rest of the story.....

We have two trailers on our property. One we live in, and one that is used for storage (think of it as a huge junk drawer.. lol). I went up to the old trailer on Thursday to find a new container for the dogs' water outside, and OMGKITTENS!!!1!!1! Four 3 week old kittens skittered and ran to hidey places before I could get a good look at them. Went back up on Friday night, couldn't find them at all. So we put food and water down for Momma cat, and went back again on Saturday afternoon. Momma cat runs out, and the kittens high-tail it under a cupboard. So, since we live in a semi-rural area and do get a lot of possums and loose dogs in the area, we decided to take the kittens back to the house and "socialize" them, then we will take them to the Humane Society when they are about 10 wks old. (If you take them earlier, they are put to sleep and I can't let that happen). Well, after baths and full tummies, we now have: Eek (Male Orange Tabby) , Mystikk (Female Tortie), Isis (Female Orange Tabby) and Katamari (Female Orange/White Tabby).

Monday, July 23, 2007

New Family Member

GOTCHA!! I bet you thought I was adding something about a grandchild, or a new pet or something like that, didn't ya?? hehehe

Well, no, fortunately, that isnt the case. My sister emailed me yesterday about a new great-aunt that she "found." She has been corresponding with a man in Germany who is related to us in some way. Seems that HE found the name of a great-aunt that we had no knowledge of, in the ship's manifest of passengers from 1907. Our grandmother's family came across from Russia by way of Germany to the North American continent on the SS Kensington. He searched the manifest and found our Great Grandparents, and all the children, PLUS Erna Schumacher, age 11 months. WHO THE HECK IS SHE????? Grandma never mentioned a sister named Erna, and she spoke of her other brothers and sisters often.

Well, back to the research...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

First time thoughts

Well, so this is my first time posting a blog. What do I say? Recently married to my best friend, mother of 13 (five daughters, six cats, two dogs.. heheheh). I love my job, and I am good at what I do. So, what DO I do? I work at a major health care system in Houston, in the IT department. I was a Labor and Delivery nurse for many years, but I was always the one who latched onto the newest equipment and learned how to use it. I was always interested in PCs, so naturally, when an opening came up in IT for a Clinical Educator, I jumped at the chance and never looked back.

My family has always been important to me. I have two wonderful daughters of my own, and three step daughters who mean the world to me. My cats and dogs are the children of the house now, and are spoiled totally rotten by me and my husband. Once I figure out how to post pictures here, I will.

So, how does gaming fit into this? Like I said before, I was a geek at heart. I started playing FPS (first person shooter, for the un-geeks out there) games like Duke Nukem, Doom, Wolfenstein, and a few others. Then, after my first husband died, my daughter got me into Star Wars Galaxies, an MMO (massive multi player online) game. This game opened up the floodgates, so to speak. I met so many cool and interesting people, and even met a few in person. Then, one day in October, I met a guy named Kamasu in game. Sparing you all the details of how to play, I will just say that he taught me a lot about my character in the game, and helped me become a better player.

Not long after that, as he and I became better acquainted, I discovered that he was a very wonderful and loving person. One weekend, as we were talking in game, I gave him my phone number. We talked on the phone for 16 hours (not straight, but that is only because my cell phone had to be charged.. LOL) If you have not figured out yet, he is the love of my life, my husband, my best friend, and the one that I have waited my life to meet. He "corrupted" me, as he jokingly says, because I wasn't a hard-core gamer until he and I met. Now, we play games together (mmo and rpg) and separately (rpg and fps). He like RTS games (which I can't stand) but that is OK, because each person in a relationship has to have something for themselves. :)

So, now you know a little about me, what I do, what I like, and such.