Tuesday, May 8, 2007

First time thoughts

Well, so this is my first time posting a blog. What do I say? Recently married to my best friend, mother of 13 (five daughters, six cats, two dogs.. heheheh). I love my job, and I am good at what I do. So, what DO I do? I work at a major health care system in Houston, in the IT department. I was a Labor and Delivery nurse for many years, but I was always the one who latched onto the newest equipment and learned how to use it. I was always interested in PCs, so naturally, when an opening came up in IT for a Clinical Educator, I jumped at the chance and never looked back.

My family has always been important to me. I have two wonderful daughters of my own, and three step daughters who mean the world to me. My cats and dogs are the children of the house now, and are spoiled totally rotten by me and my husband. Once I figure out how to post pictures here, I will.

So, how does gaming fit into this? Like I said before, I was a geek at heart. I started playing FPS (first person shooter, for the un-geeks out there) games like Duke Nukem, Doom, Wolfenstein, and a few others. Then, after my first husband died, my daughter got me into Star Wars Galaxies, an MMO (massive multi player online) game. This game opened up the floodgates, so to speak. I met so many cool and interesting people, and even met a few in person. Then, one day in October, I met a guy named Kamasu in game. Sparing you all the details of how to play, I will just say that he taught me a lot about my character in the game, and helped me become a better player.

Not long after that, as he and I became better acquainted, I discovered that he was a very wonderful and loving person. One weekend, as we were talking in game, I gave him my phone number. We talked on the phone for 16 hours (not straight, but that is only because my cell phone had to be charged.. LOL) If you have not figured out yet, he is the love of my life, my husband, my best friend, and the one that I have waited my life to meet. He "corrupted" me, as he jokingly says, because I wasn't a hard-core gamer until he and I met. Now, we play games together (mmo and rpg) and separately (rpg and fps). He like RTS games (which I can't stand) but that is OK, because each person in a relationship has to have something for themselves. :)

So, now you know a little about me, what I do, what I like, and such.

1 comment:

Jennie Brown said...

Well, well, I've turned you into a blogger. So nice to see you take up another hobby!

When you want to post pictures, just click the little box that looks like a landscape and you'll be able to upload from your hard drive. Now we're getting into my area of expertise!

We're going to Klamath Falls this weekend. I'm sure Suzanne will eat the dog food and break something, but mother is ready for us.

Have a great weekend!
